Mexico City International airport (MEX) today´s departures

Today flight status of the departures from Benito Juarez airport

Check your flight if it is scheduled, or for possible delays or cancellations.

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Departures from CDMX airport
Photo by carlos aranda in Unsplash

Recommendations before flying

  1. Get to the airport on time

    Due to protocol issues on the Coronavirus, it takes more time than normal to carry out all the check-in and pre-boarding procedures. Therefore, if your flight is international, it is recommended to arrive at Mexico City International Airport at least 3:30 hours before the flight or 2 hours if it is domestic. In turn, depending on the schedule and the situation of the moment (possible traffic congestion) take the precaution of leaving with enough time.

  2. Hotels at the airport or nearby

    In case you have a very early morning flight and you don't live in the Mexico City area, you can choose to stay in one of the hotels located inside or near the airport. 

  3. Travel documentation

    Do not forget your valid passport or valid document to travel, visa (if necessary), reservation code or boarding pass (if you have already done the web check in), travel insurance, health affidavit form, certificate vaccination (if you have it or if it is required), Covid mask for mouth and nose, your mobile phone, etc.

  4. Special passengers

    If you have reduced mobility or are a passenger in a special situation (elderly, pregnant women, minors alone) or if you are traveling with a pet, coordinate with the airline at least 48 hours before the flight.

  5. Baggage restrictions

    Do not forget to consult about the restrictions of hand luggage and checked baggage, weight limits, prohibited items, with your airline through your official website, through their social networks or their contact telephone numbers.

  6. FAQs

    For more information, check the frequently asked questions .